Orakei Bay

  • Brand strategy
  • Digital
  • Marketing communications
  • Naming
  • Visual identity

Powerhouse pair, Barfoot and Thompson and Equinox Group came together on the Orakei Bay Village and the partnership came to Voice to help position this exciting development and ensure Orakei Bay Village squarely faced its largest opportunity.

A prestigious waterfront address, Orakei Bay Village called upon Eastern Aucklanders to sell up and move to a simpler, easier, apartment life – without giving away the things they held dear. Voice knew the design needed to have an aspirational intent, yet still reflect the conservative nature of the market. Strategically, Voice also knew the development was entering a highly competitive market in a city in the middle of a building boom. Orakei Bay Village needed to sit well above the chatter of other developments and assert itself as the premium and distinctive choice.

Voice initially developed a logo and visual identity for the brand and the greys and greens of nature mixed with lifestyle type cues set the graphic feel for the brand. Next up was leveraging this look and feel through apartment building sales collateral, advertising concepts and a website. The majority of sales for the initial Orakei Bay Village stock took place in the pre-sales phase of the project – much to the delight of the developer and real estate agent.

© 2020 Voice Brand Agency


Suite 2.4, 30 St Benedicts Street
Eden Terrace, Auckland Central
New Zealand, 1010


+64 9 373 5086

© 2020 Voice Brand AgencyCELEBRATING25 YEARSMade by Avenue