Luna Management

  • Digital
  • Visual identity

In a real estate mad city, where image is highly valued, how do you enter a high yield/competitive industry and do it in a way that still remains true to your own high personal values? That was the problem that was facing Sydney-based client Dino Biordi and he came to Voice to work it out.

Voice were keen to first understand Dino’s personal drivers and to weave his enthusiasm and the unique way he looked at the world into the brand of his business — a property management company that believes in true customer service, dealing with high value clients in a transparent and respectful manner.

From a brand perspective, Luna straddles the fine line between self-expression and commercialism and needed a brand that would, most importantly, engage it’s owner. Dino wanted it to feel contemporary and modern in order to create sufficient distance between it and its mature, entrenched competition. He wanted a brand that would build trust and express capability to his prospective client base. 

A tall order but one that both client and agency are proud of accomplishing.

© 2020 Voice Brand Agency


Suite 2.4, 30 St Benedicts Street
Eden Terrace, Auckland Central
New Zealand, 1010


+64 9 373 5086

© 2020 Voice Brand AgencyCELEBRATING25 YEARSMade by Avenue