Bayleys Projects

  • Marketing communications

The Bayleys name is synonymous with leadership and professionalism, coupled with a constant drive for innovation has seen Bayleys become a market leader in New Zealand.

Voice were engaged to create a comprehensive capability document to tell the Bayleys story, leverage the projects division to a higher, wider audience, setting them apart in a highly competitive market.  We developed key messages and a compelling look and feel. The use of imagery and tone was critical to reinforce the brands personality and communicate this market leading offering.

The result, a high, articulate, and aspirational document that effectively communicated the tailored service Bayleys can provide to real estate property developers.

© 2020 Voice Brand Agency


Suite 2.4, 30 St Benedicts Street
Eden Terrace, Auckland Central
New Zealand, 1010


+64 9 373 5086

© 2020 Voice Brand AgencyCELEBRATING25 YEARSMade by Avenue